Drawings made by Amenah Alhashemi

Vision without action is day dream and actions without vision is nightmare
Vision without action is day dream and actions without vision is nightmare
Challenge of many urgent and important tasks ?
Challenge of many urgent and important tasks ?
No problem . Effective team working is the solutions
No problem . Effective team working is the solutions
Challenge of being over loaded and risk of being the only one to do the job ?
Challenge of being over loaded and risk of being the only one to do the job ?
No problem balanced delegation is the solution
No problem balanced delegation is the solution
Football team is a good example of effective team work. One objective with equal important integrated roles
Football team is a good example of effective team work. One objective with equal important integrated roles
Being proactive and preventive is better than being reactive and corrective
Being proactive and preventive is better than being reactive and corrective
Steady, continues and sustainable is better than just temporally excited participant
Steady, continues and sustainable is better than just temporally excited participant
Being proactive and preventive is better than being reactive and corrective
Being proactive and preventive is better than being reactive and corrective
What is the solution ?
What is the solution ?
School Bus System
School Bus System

Latest comments

07.09 | 11:25

Good innovative

02.12 | 08:22

This brings back good memories from my time with you and your co...

14.10 | 08:42

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24.09 | 05:39

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